Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Colors - An incredible sight to see!

Between the joys, freedom and love for summer, and the excitement and quick approach of Thanksgiving/Christmas (My favorite time of year), I always seem to forget how beautiful fall is. I guess when you are still in school, fall seems to be that awful thought of school. It also is when you see candy overflowing the shelves in the grocery stores, and costume adds on T.V., and, not being a huge Halloween fan myself, the other aspects of fall always seem to get covered up to easily. And then it's here, and I take a drive, noticing all the incredible colors that line the streets, and shadow the houses. It almost seems to surprise me every time. God is such an artist! I bet He loves it too, ;) I can just imagine Him "painting the world" (and even those gorgeous sunsets,) and I believe He has quite a fun time doing it.

Even back in the summer, my family took a "beach trip" with our cousins to Florida, and the contrast of the white (and I mean, WHITE,) sand, and then the turquoise and green clear water, it was breathtakingly stunning! I think there is always something beautiful to see in the world, every season. Yeah, sometimes, later February is dull and grey, probably ugly half melted dirty snow, (at least where I live) and you cannot wait for spring! But maybe we're always trying to just see right out the window, and if it's not pretty at first sight, then it's just ugly. When really, depending on how far out the door you walk, and how much detail you pay attention too, you might just see something beautiful.

But fall definitely is easy on the eyes at first sight! Not only are the colors pretty, but ever notice how fresh the air feels when you feel it, or breath it in? It's like the rain, you might get, washes away all the hot and muggy summerness (yeah I made that word up,) and then it's starts to cool off, so the air is crisp and refreshing.
When I was scrolling through my Facebook wall the other day, someone's status said something about how powerful a fall sunrise is. I had just happened to think the same thing the day before while I was down below the house, on the edge of a small lake, taking photos of such an amazing and beautiful scene in front of me! I was up early, heading to a (wedding) job for the day, and had about an hour before I needed to leave. When I noticed out the window that there was fog swifting across the water, and the sun had just merged it's way atop the hill and through the trees, I grabbed my camera and headed down the steep path that's covered in slippery leaves. It was just stunning to look deep into the colors that have taken everything green and turned it into a rainbow kind of forest! (Photos below.) I couldn't help but feel happy inside. I kept smiling (and talking to myself, unfortunately, lol) about just how pretty it was. I thanked God on my way to work, for the day He had given us. He truly reminds me that not everything is going so bad, after all.

I guess today is the 31st, so Happy Halloween. And guess what? Tomorrow is Nov. 1st! Oh my gosh I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!! Thank God the creepy costumes, spider webs, and weird commercials will be over! :P

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