Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

I hope today is finding you well, whether it’s spending time with your love, or cramming chocolates into your mouth (even though you promised yourself you’d wouldn’t), I hope it’s a fun one!

Today I want to recognize the true heroes of this glorious day of love- men. Without them, we’d have nothing to celebrate, right? We wouldn’t wake up to love notes, or have that box of chocolates and a bouquet of pink roses delivered to us at work, and we sure as heck wouldn’t be so excited to get dressed up and stick on those 3inch heels for just another week night in February. But hey, here we are, wondering why we even care so much. But really, don't forget to thank your man if he did so. It's not easy being a man these days. Some women put so much pressure on them to be so perfect. They are only human, and so are you. They're trying, I promise.

Side note: I was in Hallmark this week grabbing a couple silly v-day cards and the sign above the Valentine’s section said “Valentine’s Day - Thursday, February 14th.” Because, well, I guess some men do forget what day it falls on each year. Ok, I should be fair, I’m sure some women forget too.

We really do a great job of rubbing this whole *Oh yeah, Valentine’s Day is soon! Gotta be all lovey-dovey to everyone this week!* to the young ones. Probably one of my favorite moments of this week leading up to v-day, was watching my nephew flirt with an Applebee’s host, whom he also gave a valentine to. He’s 5. BAM.

This year, for me, I’m enjoying it a little more than usual. I have a reason too. And that’s what makes it special. I’m also spending the evening, not in a fancy restaurant or a chick flick at the movies, but in our community theater watching my girl-friend play a crazy beggar woman in “Sweeney Todd.” Yup, cute, right? Lol. It’s what we do for our friends. Or, what we do when the person we would spend the evening with is two-thousand miles away. Haha, that’s why part of tomorrow will also be spent on Skype. I wonder how busy Skype will be tomorrow anyhow?! Gotta guess there will be a few online dating couples who will be

Anywho, I’ve decided Valentine’s day is just one of those days that you might love one year, and hate the next. So on those happy years, you milk the day for everything it’s worth. You eat the sweets, you day dream a little more, you express a little louder your feelings to that one person, all because we decorated our world in love for this one day. All because we were told to do so. But I do think it can be (I said- can be,) slightly silly and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. It’s just one day out of the whole year! We still have 364 other days to express our love! So instead of being worried about how perfect today needs to be, just because it’s v-day, just celebrate loving someone special. (Or just liking them ;) Just be happy.

Well, there’s not much else to say about this interesting day. So I think I’ll leave it at this-
For those of you who are lonely this year, just look at the other amazing people in your life that God gave you and give them a call. (It doesn’t have to be romantic love.)
And to the people who are going out with their hotties, I hope you have fun. No, really have FUN. I hope you remember what a blessing it is to have that person in your life and celebrate what God put in your life.

Now, back to that box of chocolates. xoxo,

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